Tag Archives: 86 Dining House & Cabaret

Another Fine Night In Los Angeles…

Last night, the Ink Tankers made their way into the depths of hell, i.e. Hollywood Blvd. Ok, to be fair, the spot – newly opened 86 Dining House & Cabaret – was impressive. Also, all our friends there are quite nice – that means you Matt Goldman and Gary Richards!

So there we were, with all the fabulous people awaiting the arrival of our new fave obsession, Santogold. We waited. We drank. We danced. We drank some more. And then some more.

At 1:30am, she showed up but how do we say this politely? Look, we really LOVE Santo’s record on Downtown Records, and we truly love our friends, and we were even liking (let’s not push it) the Hollywood hang….

But we were sad. She only played 2 songs! It’s no one’s fault, we know…. I guess we were just a little too amped for this. So it looks like Coachella this weekend will be the spot to catch a real set… Or maybe she’ll come back through LA soon after.

But we have to give a big shout out to our fave DJ Diplo, who kept us dancing and made the wait worthwhile.

We leave you with a Santi song we can’t get enough of, enjoy: